Tuesday 28 September 2010

First steps


Not something that I have chosen to photograph before.  I dislike having my own picture taken and have avoided forcing this on others for so long it is not an easy thought. 

While trying to work out all of the controls of a new camera I thought that I would try and get over the people thing. 

The first real opportunity to take anything candid presents itself on Saturday 25th Sept at a local community event.

Tried to stay unobtrusive.  Only lens available is a standard kit lens  14-42mm on an Olympus 4/3rds mount - 28-84 35mm equivalent.  My usual responce to this sort of task would be to use as long a lens as possible and stay out of the way.  Determined to stay in the 14-20mm range and try and get in closer. 

First thoughts - people move - going to have to speed up thought process.

Second - people move, give me a building, landscape, flower anything, help.....

I know the task is to use manual controls and I will, but I need to capture at least one or two images as well, don't I?

Barrow upon Trent, 25th Sept 2010.
19mm(38mm equivalent), ISO 200, F4, 1/60th
So what is up there?

Harder than I thought to get close enough so have had to crop quite heavily.  This just made me smile - it would have been better without the goal post growing out of the youngsters' head.

The original is in Raw so I could probably do something about the sky being bleached.  Need to think further ahead, judge what may be about to happen and set up accordingly.  Who's silly idea was going back to school?

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