Wednesday 17 November 2010

Foggy morning

As part of the background research for this course I came across the work of a photographer called Brassai.  He undertook a projet photographing Paris by night.  The images are all sharp with great attention to detail. I was particularly taken with one image - foggy Paris (1934).

Although not at night the fog on Tuesday morning presented an opportunity to think further about images in difficult conditions. 

Foggy morning, Derby
14mm, 1/30th, F3.5, ISO400 

Strong centreground with detail in forground and back ground; the centre leading away from where the image was taken.

Foggy morning, Derby ii
21mm, 1 Sec, F16, ISO100 

No street lighting; the lights in the shop window have an old fashioned yellow/orange glow.  Strong foreground with the fog blurring bachground detail gives a greater feeling of depth to the image.

Melbourne Pool
14mm, 1/15th, F16, ISO200 

The sun had risen, but not burnt off the fog making the sky very bright behind the subject.  The colour image is almost sepia.

Melbourne Pool ii
17mm, 1/15th, F16, ISO200 

Foggy morning on the way to Leicester
34mm, 1/60th, F16, ISO200 

I wish! (Brassai 1934)


  1. Hi
    A beautiful set of atmospheric and ethereal images which have been well compared to your research, well done.
    These images are timeless and could come from the same era.
    labelled as well, steady on.


  2. Hi
    some images may need slight retouch, crop and adjust before finishing and handing in work so to speak, we will talk through this again to make sure.

